Thursday, February 13, 2014


Graphics comes from the Greek word graphikos. This production of visual statements can be seen on surfaces or walls as well as canvas, pottery, computer screens, paper, stone or landscape.
Geometric designs, signs, logos, graphs, drawings etc and everything that presents creation is comprised in graphics. It is a profession of many artistic jobs which include combining text, pictures, advertising and website. It therefore comprises the whole history of art. It dates back to earlier than 30,000 BC when hundreds of graphic designs of animals where drawn by the primitive people in the Chauvet Cave, in the south of France, as well as designs of the primitive hunters in the Bhimbetke rock shelters in India in 7,000 BC, in Australia the Aboriginal Rock Art.
The history of graphics is very long and these rock and cave paintings in various parts of the world are a living proof. A combination of this history with the history of writing are the bed rock of Graphic Art.
Graphics has benn used broadly in religious books including Bibles that were designed in monastries in Britain.
These designs generally included minute figures as well as spiralling and interloacking patterns. These designs became part of the ancient graphic tradition. Following the 6th century they were used to decorate and illuminate gospels.

Graphic designs can also be found in the Islamic holy book, the Quran. An angled alphabet called kuffi was used by these writers using golden paper and black ink to produce these designs. It was the 8th century when these writings first appeared and in the 10th century they reached their pinnacle. Years later the book was further beutified by adding decorative margins, pages and more graphic techniques. Another alphabet was later invented in the 12th century. It was called the Naskh alphabet and was made up of curves instead of angled lines.

William Morris was a producer of several graphic designs. He formed part of a group called the Pre-Raphaelites together with artists like Burne-Jones and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Together these artists created ideas which became a great influence on modern graphic design.


apherelosiazzacthomu, n.d. History of Graphic Design. [Online]
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